Thursday, August 9, 2018

Speed 50. by Jon Bennett

“Where ya going?”
“Bandon. This isn’t how
I thought I’d spend
my 50th birthday,” she said.
Coming down off speed, toothless
and stinking
I regretted picking her up.
“Sorry if I stink,” she said.
“You don’t stink,” I said.
“Thank you,” she said
and then nodded off.
I passed a sign,
‘Speed 50’
and thought it was ironic
but I didn’t
mention it
or that ‘Bandon’
was like “abandon”
without even
an ‘a.’

Jon Bennett writes and plays music in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood.  You can find more of his work on Pandora and Spotify or by connecting with him on Facebook at

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