Saturday, January 12, 2019

Neighbor. by Eliana Vanessa

I might look holy
but I’m not
got quite a few spots

mama    the nanny
they tried
 to understand me

 got snakes in my ears
on guard
can you hear em

             don’t have scars
                         only 384 cars
goin’ in different directions

you wanna fuck my infections

  I got poetry
I got a muse
  never unexcused

my quiet absence
just a loud
disturbing presence

Eliana  Vanessa is originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina and moved to New Orleans, Louisiana at a young age.  Eliana's poems have been selected for display via a community project called St Tammany Poetry on the Streets, and she recently participated in the Jane Austen Festival (2017 and 2018) as part of a panel of other selected poets.  Eliana attends several writing groups, including Poets Alive, Bayou Writers and Inklings in Mandeville, Louisiana.

Her work has been published at The Rye Whiskey Review, Cajun Mutt Press , The Horror Zine , Under The Bleachers .


Oh My Tears of Sorrow, How Soon They Turned to Tears of Rage By John Doyle

I stand on a razor blade that slits the throat of modern time, The New York Dolls mean little to a Nihilist and the Holy Ghost on days like ...