Saturday, March 30, 2019

Unhealthy Debate by Ivan Jenson

When I slurp
from your cold
cognitive perspective
I get brain freeze
and suffer pain
much greater than a papercut
and when you speak
directly from your ego
you give me
an emotional stubbed toe
so please stop
spewing non-sequitur vitriol
that your closed mind
makes up
because it gives me
transcendental hiccups
and I am sick of
your pseudo judo
intellectual sass
and have had enough
of your outdated data
because it all has
the very wrong odor
of righteous gas
so get out of here
before I hypothetically
kick your cerebral ass

Ivan Jenson is a fine artist, novelist and contemporary poet. His artwork was featured in Art in America, Art News, and Interview Magazine and has sold at auction at Christie’s. Ivan was commissioned by Absolut Vodka to make a painting titled Absolut Jenson for the brand’s national ad campaign. His Absolut paintings are in the collection of the Spiritmusuem, the museum of spirits in Stockholm, Sweden.  
Jenson's painting of the “Marlboro Man” was collected by the Philip Morris corporation. Ivan was commissioned to paint the final portrait of the late Malcolm Forbes.  Ivan has written two novels, Dead Artist and Seeing Soriah, both of which illustrate the creative and often dramatic lives of artists. Jenson's poetry is widely published (with over 600 poems published in the US, UK and Europe) in a variety of literary media. A book of Ivan Jenson's poetry was recently published by Hen House Press titled Media Child and Other Poems, which can be acquired on Amazon. Two novels by Ivan Jenson entitled, Marketing Mia and Erotic Rights have been published hardcover. Ivan Jenson’s new novel, Gypsies of New Rochelle has been released by Michelkin Publishing. Ivan Jenson's website is:

1 comment:

The Age of Luck By April Ridge

What I wouldn't give  for the knees of a 20 year old, the mind of a 70 year old, and the heart of a newborn baby.  A Frankensteined mast...