Sunday, July 7, 2019

ANOTHER FRIDAY by Bruce Hodder

It's delicious, coming
out of work,
knowing that you've got
two days
before you have to see
those fucking people
from the job again.
You come downhill
towards the road
like a liberated hostage,
mixing then
with sneering kids,
pissed off commuters,
careless shoppers
hitting you with bags.
The cold rain
blows the dust out,
the accumulated
dust of work.
Your optimism rises,
and it lasts
about another
thirty seconds,
which is when it hits you
in the face:
you're totally alone again,
another Friday night in
with the bottle and the couch.

Bruce Hodder lives with Michelle in Northampton, the most statistically average town in England. He has been published in quite a few magazines over the years, most recently ‘Academy of Heart and mind’ and ‘Winedrunk Sidewalk’.

He also is the author of  The Journey  Home published By Whiskey City Press.

1 comment:

Extremism By John Drudge

It’s just another drunk  At the bar  Running his mouth too loud  Spitting on the counter  Waving his fists at ghosts  It always starts with ...