Thursday, January 30, 2020

October 27. By Mike Zone

The night we first met
I didn’t exactly know
what drew me to pull away
wanting to touch your beauty
sensing your sweet sadness
fearing you may not have understood
the loneliness revealed
or perhaps I feared
how much you needed me
or how much I needed you
how much we needed each other then
how much we need each other now
oh, baby how far flung out future can be
through the inter-exchange of shadows 
and light
with the beauty
 comes the pain
and the knowing

Mike Zone is the author of A Farewell to Big Ideas, Void Beneath the Skin, Better than the Movie: 4 Screenplays and Fellow Passengers: Public Transit Poetry, Meditations and Musings. A contributing poet to Mad Swirl and contributing writer to the graphic novel series American Anti-hero by Alien Buddha Press. His poetry and stories have appeared in: Horror Sleaze Trash, The Daily Dope Fiend, Outlaw Poetry, The Rye Whiskey Review, Synchronized Chaos and Triadæ Magazine.

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