Friday, December 9, 2022

Braving The Storm By Matt Amott

The weather rages outside.
One of those
Pacific Northwest winter storms,
with gusty winds
and sideways rain.

I hear it rattle my window
as I sit awake
at 3 in the morning
writing you a letter
from the cozy confines
of my bedroom apartment.

Knowing the mailman comes
early and wanting
desperately to share
my words with you,
I decide to get dressed
at such a late hour.
Putting on
all my rain gear
just so I can walk
to the mailbox
at the end
of the block.

Off I go
into the deluge.
Boots, jeans,
and my winter jacket.
Armored up
against the weather
just to send you
a letter
of me,

Matt Amott is a poet, musician and photographer who rambles around the Pacific Northwest. He is co-founder and co-editor of Six Ft. Swells Press and has been published in numerous collections as well as three books of his own, THE COAST IS CLEAR (Six Ft. Swells Press), GET WELL SOON and THE MEMORY OF HER (both by Epic Rites Press).  He can be reached at and purchases can be made at Amazon and

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