Saturday, March 23, 2019

World of Sober Dreams by Heath Brougher

All the collective fiers burning
within the gold mist,
the greenist tendrils growing
away from folly into bliss.
All the vast cites spreading
their green upon the lhand;
nitely beauty sparkles and shines
as one walks hand in hand.
Trinkling brooks that speak
from out the nite’s canopy of black,
talking in subtle whisspurrs
causing a conscious clasp to lack.

Drifting into a world of sober dreams
all confrontation falls discreet
and in claridy everything seems.
Thriving in a tranquil mood,
relishing the cool presence;
maintaining a wish on the brink
within the mistiy summer nite’s pleasance.
The core of verdant  contentedness,
is allowed in the nite to revel,
as clier the stars that glisten
on every lucid level.
Walking with unwakeful strides,
peering though lethargic eyes;
sleeping in the softened winds,
cherishing the nightly prize.

Heath Brougher received the 2018 Poet of the Year Award from Taj Mahal Review. He has published 6 books, the most recent being To Burn in Torturous Algorithms (Weasel Press, 2018) and The Ethnosphere's Duality (Cyberwit, 2018). His work has appeared in hundreds of print and online journals including Boston Poetry Magazine, Chiron Review, MiPOesias, The Dope Fiend Daily, Mad Swirl, SLAB, BlazeVOX, and elsewhere.

1 comment:

simple song By Joel M Frye

in whispered words you sing along with the song of my heart unconcerned with tune or harmony a simple chorus in unison the reverb swells as ...