Friday, October 9, 2020

Prosperity Gospel by Kevin M. Hibshman

I want to be free to fulfill my greed.

I cannot feed the poor or nurse the sick.

Do you know how much doctors rake in? 

Stained glass bedazzles me especially when it's imported from Italy.

I need new Nikes if I am to walk through the valley of death in style.

I have seen the starving and diseased.

I watch them every night on  my wide-screen TV.

I cry  right along with them.

I cry my hardest crocodile tears.

I pray for someone to help them but they are over there and I am over here.

They must have pissed God off terribly to live as they do.

It seems as if He's turned his back on them so I suppose I must to.

Kevin M. Hibshman has had poems published in many journals and magazines world wide. In addition, he has edited his poetry zine, Fearless, since 1990 and is the author of sixteen chapbooks including Love Sex Death Dreams (Green Bean Press, 2000) and Incessant Shining (Alternating Current, 2011).

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