Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Only Pretending By Michael Minassian

In college, I dated Bonnie, a writer,

though she claimed to be Helen,

the most beautiful woman on earth,

and only undressed in the dark

I’m doing this to protect you, 

she whispered, as serious as rain.

She told me that she wrote

about me every day, 

a lie I only half believed,

wondering what other fictions

were in her journal

or on the tip of her tongue.

She showed me poems

with our names erased,

saying it was easier to pretend.

No matter what I believed,

getting the truth from her

was like trying to peel water.

Impersonating herself,

she always stood

at the outskirts of affection,

words circling the drain

or in hiding, crouching,

long after she was gone.

MICHAEL MINASSIAN lives with his wife in Southern New England. He is a Contributing Editor for Verse-Virtual, an online poetry journal. His poetry collections Time is Not a River, Morning Calm, and A Matter of Timing as well as a chapbook, Jack Pays a Visit, are all available on Amazon. For more information:


Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Shaking hands By Julian Thumm

“Are your hands shaking?" 

My brother asks 

They were...


             I mutter

  Disordered malnutrition or

  Sun stroke

Whatever seems plausible

Is flung against the wall

In desperation

To slowly sluice 

with pathos down 

before our eyes

My glorified debauchery 

   (The gutter aesthete

   With admiration

   Exploring the fecund swill)

Has a grim slimy taint

Under this wholesome

Unforgiving glare

Julian is a fledgling poet from Melbourne, Australia. He studied literature and professional writing and now works as a corporate shill, selling his corrupted pen to the highest bidder. His poetry is an attempt to make sense of a lifetime of bad choices. 


Monday, March 24, 2025

Crumbled Pedestals By Skaja Evens

I love you
It’s just my life is full
I hope you understand why my replies are farther apart.
I trust you to process that as you will.

Probably meant in all earnestness and sincerity
But still stings
I’m a ride or die, but you never were to me.
How can I feel anything else
Except expendable?

Skaja Evens is a Best of the Net-nominated writer living in SE Virginia. Her work has appeared in Medusa's Kitchen, The Rye Whiskey Review, Synchronized Chaos, Mad Swirl, Spillwords Press, Ink Pantry, Blue Pepper, among others. Her first book, conscientia veritatis, from Whiskey City Press, is available on Amazon.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Until The Next.. By Chris Lihou

 What a night! What a party! Stumbling home with a mouth that feels like sandpaper to my tongue and with a residual taste of vindaloo, I seek out a late-night drug store. 


My frazzled brain screams for something to counteract the excessive drink. I look at the counter unable to make a choice, pain relief or stomach relief, vitamins, or rehydration fluids or all of them. 


I’m amazed to see a leprechaun sitting on the shelf beside the paracetamol. I rub my eyes in disbelief but he’s still there - a little man in a green jacket, short green trousers, a green hat and sporting a bushy red beard. “Go home,” he tells me, “Have a full Irish breakfast; bacon, sausages, eggs (scrambled or fried), white pudding, a grilled tomato, beans, mushrooms, hash browns plus toast with butter and jam.”


I rush out of the store and vomit in the street at the thought of such a disgusting meal and decide I’m never going to drink again.


At least not until the next time.


I return to the drugstore. At the same counter, the little green leprechaun mockingly says, “Hello again, eejit”. I tell him to bugger off, pick up two bottles of a very unnatural blue fluid full of electrolytes. The cashier was grateful for the Plexiglas screen when I paid, shielding him from the unpleasantness of my inebriated state. 


Outside, I gargled the first mouthful of blueness and quickly drank the rest of the bottle. The second bottle defied my uncoordinated ability to open it, so with an expletive I threw it, narrowly missing my intended lamppost target --- and staggered homeward. 


As I lurch along, I become increasingly alarmed at the prospect of my live-in girlfriend Alice’s reaction to my arrival, if she is awake. 


Of course, Alice will be awake! She’s seen me inebriated before and would not be surprised to find me sleeping it off on the couch. But, like a truffle searching Lagotto dog, I’m concerned that she will detect the scent of another woman buried beneath my musk of booze, smoke, body odour and vindaloo. 


Earlier in the evening, Amanda and I had found ourselves in a comfortable corner where silly, drink-fuelled jokes progressed to a full-on snog. She gave approving moans through our attached mouths as my hand reached under her blouse to locate her breast. Embarrassingly, her hand to my crotch found me with a brewer's droop which prematurely ended our coupling; Amanda pulled away - “Another time, eh, John!” 


I consoled myself with a final pint of Guinness and left. As I did so, I caught a glimpse of Amanda with the young Shaun Ferris. Maybe she’ll have better luck with him.


I arrive and fumble, eventually finding the key to open the door to the staircase leading to my first-floor flat. There seem to be more stairs than I remember. As I reach the last step, I trip, keys clattering to the concrete floor. I attempt to stand but my knees seem unable to accommodate my weighty frame. I crawl to my front door, sensing a warm liquid on my chin, my tongue tasting blood from a split lip. And then I see that damn leprechaun again, watching me as I struggle. “You bloody eejit.” I tell him to “Fuck off” unlock the flat door, closing it as quickly as I could to leave the little bastard outside. 


I recall nothing until a whisper in my ear says, “Would you like a black coffee?” I’m lying on the couch, fully clothed feeling like yesterday’s, warmed-over, bubble and squeak. A nod from me gets a mug of the hot, obsidian liquid deliberately slammed loudly onto the coffee table next to the leprechaun - how did he get in here? The little man says to me, “She knows, eejit”


Alice angrily adds - “Quite the night eh, John, you idiot? When you are clearer headed you had better have a fucking good story to tell me about that woman you were with.”


Chris Lihou lives in Somerset. In retirement, Chris has become addicted to writing short stories that speak to the nature of our lives - its highs and lows, our pain and joy, our desires and losses, life’s quirks and realities, and even a bit of its silliness. His first self-published book, "Fifty More or Less,” is available on Amazon. A second one, Fifty or More, is in its final stages, before publication.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Whiskey Row By David Painter

Whiskey Row, where the lost souls go,

where neon flickers like a dying prayer,

where gin joints stink of regret 

and cigarette smoke clouds the room

the room is full of secrets and nobody shares.

The bartender pours with a hollowed stare,

 Glasses clink and some are even clean,

 but the bourbon burns like gasoline.

It’s a place to forget, a place to drown,

a place where twenty bucks buys redemption

but your soul still feels like a clown. .

There are no chiffon, no pearls, no polished floors

 just sweat-stained shirts and unshaven face.

Whiskey Row,at the city's edge,

or down some dark road  

It don’t matter, it’s all the same

it’s a place where the downtrodden go 

with cheap booze and sticky floors. 

it’s a place to forget their name

where you can keep your secrets and no one cares 

David is an International published poet.He is a member of the Inner city writers’ group and penned in the city.His works have been published in Sweetycat Press,Piker press, Rye Whiskey Review,Clarendon House, Spillwords Press,The Writers’ Club,and  Dyst Literary well as The World  of Myth,Every Writer,Ohio Bards and Academy of the Heart. He is a member of Ohio Writers Group and West Virginia Writers Group. His book of poems Thoughts Alone the Way  is available on Amazon  

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Pause For Poise By Kevin M. Hibshman

Blurred vision in the icy cold morning.

I am freezing beneath many layers of clothing.

It's a good thing I don't have to make the walk today.

February always wants to kill me.

I am relieved when I make it March unscathed.

No dodging speeding cars.

No negotiating slippery asphalt.

No broken ankle.

Goodbye Guillame-Barre Syndrome.

No 104 degree fever today.

I am relatively clear-headed.

Tucked in with the cats and savoring the passing of time.

Is that my breath or the cigarette smoke I seem to be exhaling?

Kevin M. Hibshman has had poems published in many journals and magazines world wide.In addition, he has edited his poetry zine, Fearless, since 1990 and is the author of sixteen chapbooks including Love Sex Death Dreams (Green Bean Press, 2000) and Incessant Shining (Alternating Current, 2011).
Cease To Destroy from Whiskey City Press.
His current book is Lost Within The Garden Of Heathens also from Whiskey City Press and currently available through Amazon.

Monday, March 17, 2025

I got drunk by Stephen House

I got drunk at a party a few weeks ago and I haven’t been drunk in years / I’m fucked if I know how it actually happened as it is not something nowadays I choose / I have one or two beers occasionally and maybe a wine if I’m out for dinner / as knocking back plenty was how I rolled long ago and then I let it go for good / I’ve thought well about how the drunk party happened as the old man I nearly am / and am still lost for reasons how I let it occur though I have a maybe hypothesis / I’ve had the toughest two years I’ve ever had in my life though I won’t bother explaining why / and quite possibly the feeling associated with the wine was related to easier days / I went past the two or three drinks and it slid into five or six / which led me to a place like my crazy youth partying all over the world / an escape from the shit I’ve been dealing with could’ve been the reason for it / or maybe what happened was I got drunk to remind me why I don’t get drunk anymore //       

Stephen House has won awards and nominations as a poet, playwright, and actor. He’s been commissioned often, with 20 plays produced, many published by Australian Plays Transform, and produced nationally and internationally. He’s received international literature residencies from The Australia Council for the Arts to Canada and Ireland, and an Asialink residency to India. He’s had two chapbooks published by ICOE Press Australia: ‘real and unreal’ poetry and ‘The Ajoona Guest House’ monologue. His poetry is published often. He’s performed his acclaimed monologues widely. Stephen had a play run in Spain from 2019 to 2022.

Only Pretending By Michael Minassian

In college, I dated Bonnie, a writer, though she claimed to be Helen, the most beautiful woman on earth, and only undressed in the dark I’m ...