Friday, June 1, 2018

Versus. by Adam Levon Brown

I have refused both the red
and the blue pill, aimed a squirt
gun filled with truth serum
at Morpheus' head
and told him that the jig is up

How do we become so ensnared
in cognitive dissonance?

Believing so strongly in something
that makes absolutely no sense when
actually analyzed?

Black, white, blue, red, right, left

I have filled this squirt gun with my tears
and I am now aiming it at myself

Because I now know that my brain
is the imposter, and that all that I once
believed is a lie

And even before I knew those lies
to be true,

I held onto a completely different
set of lies, sneakily portrayed as truth

I am now aiming the squirtgun
at my heart. because my feelings
played a part in this betrayal too

What I wanted to feel vs. what I was feeling vs.
What I felt in the past vs. whatever the truth is

Whatever the truth is...

Whatever the truth is...

I don't know.

I'm done.

Adam Levon Brown is an internationally published author, poet, amateur photographer. He is Founder, Owner, and editor in chief of Madness Muse Press. He has had poetry published hundreds of times in several languages, along with 2 full collections and 3 chapbooks. He also participates as an assistant editor at Caravel Literary Arts Journal. He has been published with publications such as Harbinger Asylum, Burningword Literary Journal, and Five 2 One Magazine.

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