Saturday, July 14, 2018

(A poem for) Piccocko (part II) by Ezhno Martin

You thought me being an alcoholic meant
That I was a total nightmare
And that the mourning never ended
For what I could otherwise be
When really it means I spent the whole day
Planning on making you dinner
And then I started cooking
And I opened the refrigerator
And I saw the beer
And I couldn’t stop at one
Or even three
And I’m too drunk to get a hard on now
But dinner is perfect
Even if I’m not

Ezhno Martin doesn't believe in god, pronouns, american exceptionalism, most conventions of capitalization, monogamy, any form of censorship, that 9/11 was real, casseroles, coming to a full stop at stop signs, chivalry, patriotism, hand washing after bathroom visits, rough sex, decorum, the importance of biological families, and/or that The New York Knick's are ever going to get their shit together.  Ezhno lives in Toledo, Ohio.  Ezhno is now from Toledo, Ohio, because that's how that works.  You can't misgender Ezhno, because Ezhno doesn't believe in genders, pronouns, safe spaces or any of that social-justice-warrior-rich-kid-with-a-complex bullshit.   Just say “nice ass” if you're feeling nervous or confused about the fact that the 6'2” Adonis that is Ezhno hates your counter culture just as much as the culture it opposes.

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