Friday, July 27, 2018

Morning Toast (A Tribute To Ernest Hemingway) by Anthony King

The pen has followed the heart,
With words that flow from mind.
A toast to start the brand - new day…
New adventures, still yet to find.
The waves they lap so gently
With a meticulous lullaby
The master makes his ready
To view, the suns arise.
The madness from the sleepless nights
Revisit in his dreams…
Now his words will spill in flurry
For the master has found the key.
Antony King 2018

Antony King is a writer/ poet from Eastern Kentucky. Antony spent his formal years in Cleveland Ohio where he underwent private instruction in The Arts, Music, and Literature. His love of the classics guided him to poetry and fueled his passion for writing. After art school, Antony spent 22 years in the world of advertising, and design. He began honing his skills both as a writer, and an artist. Antony is a proud member of several poetry groups and has been published in SpillWord Press, PPPEzine, and Piker press to name a few. He has also had the honor to have his works read in the UK.

1 comment:

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