Monday, July 2, 2018

Nomad, Dryad, Nymph. by Joseph V. Milford

your cursing naked as bark against wind
my retaliation was stark as jawbone calcifying
among tumbling weeds pacing the structures
of your prime estates—you have permanent tenure here
so I must rebel or negate  every elemental
factor of your lips that once bred feast fire famine
dust lust or endurance—in my hand you were the powder
of wings and nuclear bombs—in my heart you were a lotus
that gods never pissed upon.  in my mind was the hard part—
you were there swinging your fists atop every imaginable rampart

Joseph V. Milford is the author of the poetry collections CRACKED ALTIMETER (BlazeVox Press) and TATTERED SCROLLS AND POSTULATES, VOL I. (Backlash Press). He is an English professor and Creative Writing instructor living south of Atlanta, Georgia. He also edits the online poetry thread, RASPUTIN, A POETRY THREAD.

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