Thursday, August 9, 2018

Circuit. by John Greiner

Between masturbation
and the first martini
all of the heartaches
    and horrors
that come and cover
the face of the earth,
between Queens
and Manhattan
and then back
to Queens again
the river and all
the sinking ferries,
skulls and subways
shifting lost bodies
    of ecstasy
to end in anxiety,
between the epic act
and the bang
that hits the head
    and hails
the dark cosmos
is this, the something
to say that falls short,
is this, the kick,
that sends the planet
into frenzied spin.

John Greiner is a Pushcart Prize nominated writer living in Queens, NY. He was educated at the New School for Social Research.  Greiner's work has appeared in SandEmpty Mirror, Sensitive Skin, Unarmed, Street Valueand numerous other magazines. His chapbooks, broadsides and collections of poetry and short stories includeTurnstile Burlesque (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2017), The Laundrymen(Wandering Head Press, 2016), Bodega Roses (Good Cop/Bad Cop Press, 2014),Modulation Age (Wandering Head Press, 2012), Shooting Side Glances(ISMs Press, 2011) and Relics From a Hell’s Kitchen Pawn Shop (Ronin Press, 2010). 

1 comment:

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