Thursday, August 2, 2018

my best friend for reggie. by Victor Clevenger

live in a glass house
throw stones through the ceiling

swear they land like bombs
but don’t detonate
just collect in the night sky
on ten squares chalked across a fantasy

now you say    
every angel in heaven is a hopscotch champion

When not traveling highways across America, Victor Clevenger spends his days in a Madhouse and his nights writing poetry.  Selected pieces of his work have appeared in print magazines and journals around the world, as well as at a variety of places online.  In 2017, Victor was nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology, as well as a Pushcart Prize.  His most recent published collections of poetry include a split book with Tom Farris titled Ginger Roots Are Best Taken Orally (EMP, 2018) and A Finger in the Hornets’ Nest (Red Flag Press, 2018).

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