Tuesday, August 28, 2018

TO PERISH. by R.T. Castleberry

It’s not a bad thing to die
on a dark road returning home.
The sky grown wide enough,
receptive to your damaged plea.
Stars are cold dizziness.
Moonlight’s strike on the tip of a tree,
intersections dazed in haze yellow light
are the lyrics that haunted you young.
There’s a cop on a sleepy side street,
a feral cat on its prowl.
Your tongue tastes a sweeter bourbon,
the bite of English tobacco.
It’s not a bad thing to die
on a dark road returning home.

 R.T. Castleberry's work  has appeared in Roanoke Review, Santa Fe Literary Review, Comstock Review, Green Mountains Review, The Alembic, Silk Road and Argestes. Internationally, it has been published in Canada, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand and Antarctica. My poetry has been featured in the anthologies: Travois-An Anthology of Texas Poetry, TimeSlice, The Weight of Addition, Anthem: A Tribute to Leonard Cohen and Blue Milk’s anthology, Dawn. My chapbook, Arriving At The Riverside, was published by Finishing Line Press in January, 2010. An e-book, Dialogue and Appetite, was published by Right Hand Pointing in May, 2011.


  1. Beautiful, dark, and brooding. Perfect with a fifth and a rainy night.

  2. Straight shooting yet characteristically cryptic, raw and exposed.

  3. Intense, Intelligent and Beautiful.

  4. Powerful. Vivid. Honest. A crystal glass of Glenfiddich on a rainy day. Pure gold.


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For Kari Lee Krome  Life can and  will  snap your  heart like a dry pine Bough. The rainbow sweeps its rippling  wings above the ribcage of ...