Monday, September 24, 2018

Gifts by. Todd Cirillo

The son of a bitch
left me broke and
blacked out
with a stripper’s name
written with a sharpie
on my forearm,
three bright orange
traffic cones
in my bedroom
and a two-day hangover.

He is the best friend

Todd Cirillo is co-founder and editor of Six Ft. Swells Press. His latest book is Burning the Evidence (Epic Rites Press, 2017). He has other books available and has been published in numerous national and international publications. Todd lives in New Orleans, Louisiana and can be found soaking his pirate heart in second lines and smiling under the neons searching for shiny moments. Look him up at Todd Cirillo

"The news is bad today, in America and for America. There is nothing good or hopeful about it--except for Nazis, warmongers, and rich greedheads" HST


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