Friday, September 28, 2018

My Bougainvillea" by Sofia Kioroglou

loud and lovely,
it stands on my porch
sprawling with filiform tentacles
the thorn-armored canes
my bougainvillea uses as claws
to etch indelible memories of
unforgettable summers on my mind
such beautiful tattoos and tulle ballet wreaths
the vigorous Raspberry Ice variety traces with its pointe shoes

Sofia Kioroglou is a poet, a missionary and a wife from beautiful Athens. She considers writing to be a means of creative expression and a form of catharsis. She is the author of "Literary Journeys to the Holy Land" published by Gramma Publications a month ago and the author of " Mystagogy in the Holy Land" forthcoming this summer. She loves coffee, a good book and small kindnesses. You can learn more about her work at

1 comment:

  1. "the thorn-armored canes
    my bougainvillea uses as claws" –– love this line!

    I was in Athens in August, and I was charmed by the
    noisy,crowded,old-world allure of the Plaka.

    Bravo Poet!


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