Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Rotary Phone. by Melanie Browne

I bought at a
garage sale seemed
like a score at the
time that I bought it,
several years ago

We used it as a prop
for my son's puppet

The devil puppet would
make landline calls
to the king puppet
or would call
911 to further the plot
depending on the situation

he gradually lost interest
in the puppets so I
asked if he wanted to
donate the phone to
the junior high
drama department

He said no and the rotary
phone still sits on his desk
no cord or cables,
it's memories of connection
lost somewhere within
the Twilight Zone

Melanie Browne is a poet and fiction writer living in Texas. She has been published in various journals and  online literary magazines such as Pulp Metal Magazine. She has also been included in several anthologies,  including Zombies Galore and Everyday poets 2.

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