Sunday, October 28, 2018

If We Ever Forget. by Helen Doogan

We called each other family
It was no lie
Sitting at a table with a pack of cigarettes
an empty bottle and a sigh
So many stories,
it’s so hard to tell
the truth from fiction
except fiction dripped
from our lips and the truth
... it fell from our eyes
We never told each other
how hard it was to be us
that on the back of our friendship
was the harsh truth
of the emptiness
We needed each other
the emptiness made us insane
until that became our sanctuary
between the cold hard truth
and the pain
We click like empty bottles
when they fall against each other
and the bittersweet sound of it
is a symphony of forgetfulness
that rings true ...
My Brother

Helen Doogan 

Is Australian based poet who's work is personal and often influenced by life and the people around her .
Her work can be read at Hello Poetry.

"If I could crawl inside your skin and live there, I so would!!!"

Helen .

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