Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Mixed Metaphor Madness. by Scott Thomas Outlar

Reckless are my intentions
when pen meets paper
in a divine orgy
of rambling thought
being brought to the point
of ruptured rapture
where the chaotic design
is taken up a notch
on the black occult belt
of illuminated orderly progression.

The pyramid
is not a pacifist,
and its singular eye
is not set on your flesh,
but rather the soul
that occupies spaces
beyond the scope
of this mortal physical realm.

The wolves will eat your guts
for dinner,
and the vultures
will feast upon the bones
for dessert.
In this empire
of dog eat dog
there is no remorse
for those who fail
to answer survival’s bell.
Indeed, it tolls for thee,
and, yes,
the cows
are coming home to roost.

Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the site17Numa.com where links to his published poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, reviews, live events, and books can be found. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. His next collection, Abstract Visions of Light, is forthcoming in 2018 through Alien Buddha Press.

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