Friday, November 30, 2018

We’ll Do It Halfway by Elena Bello

Excuse me, may I sit here?
Of course, take a seat.

He gets up and lets her sit down.
She looks at him,

It's honest, isn’t it?
She asked.
He answers her, little bit annoyed:
Consider I have four screws in the spine,
Me too... I have two. We’ll do it halfway, I will stay sit for some stops, until I recover, then I'll let you sit down again.
No no, don’t worry
They are looking at each other.
Nice hair colour.
Thanks, I was just looking for something cheerful.
You're right, life sucks enough.
She has a pink wig.

Clearly the man
Did not notice
the woman
was bald.

Elena Bello is an art and social media enthusiast. Her energy is the always-ready fuel for every kind of adventure she wants to start. After the graduation at the University of Milan, she decided to give a twist to her life following courses about social media marketing and other funny stuff. She wrote poems too but she has no problems to use the graphics tablet to express herself.

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