Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Stoplight Serenade. by Scott Thomas Outlar

I’ve seen a lot of wrecks lately
I’ve seen a lot of wars lately
Seen a lot of this vs. that
in the streets
Seen a lot of people
spitting in each other’s faces

whole lot of luck
with that doing ya
one lick of good
in the end

I’ve seen a lot of rage lately
Seen a lot of lowdown, cutthroat, coldhearted, dirty tricks
Seen a lot of swine rolling around in their own slop

whole lot of fun that’s gonna be
when they start driving those pigs
right back into the sea

Yeah, I’ve seen a lot of wrecks lately
Hell, I’ve watched a lot of wars
on my flat screen, HD, color TV

Yee haw

Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the where links to his published poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, reviews, live events, and books can be found. His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. His next collection, Abstract Visions of Light, is forthcoming in 2018 through Alien Buddha Press.

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