Thursday, January 24, 2019

Artist by Paula Hackett

There is a rumor
we are a sick           
and disgusting lot           
Started before we           
knew of it.
Saying we jump           
from windows,           
drink an unkind
That we care
for ourselves only.
Let us then meet
by a stream
using the water
for our thoughts
throw a party
of sickness laughing at our
tragic fortune.

Paula Hackett's poetry is influenced by her life experiences growing up in Berkeley during the vibrant and explosive 60's. The daughter of novelist Paul Hackett, she studied under John Beecher, Angela Davis and Grover Sales. She has written lyrics in collaboration with her brother John Hackett, for many great jazz composers including Teddy Edwards, John Handy, Ivan Lins, Joe Sample, Eddie 'Cleanhead' Vinson, and Cedar Walton. Her life long love of jazz is reflected in her many poems about musicians and in her CDs with pianists Rudi Wongozi and Connie Crothers.


  1. I saw your profile, and I think you are of the Hackett fthe Hackett family that lobed on Hollywood Beach near Ventura in the early 60's. Marie, and Paul Hackett were friends of Pat and Mimi Wagner, my parents.The last I saw of them was in 1969, when they visited us in Atlanta, Ga. They were living in Tallahassee, the time. If this is your family, please respond to this by emailing a note to John Wagner


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the sun has scorched your edges from inside in that fire you are the word beautiful once green new life yellows reds and soon browns you wav...