Monday, January 7, 2019

My Favorite of My Grandfather’s Jokes by Scott Silsbe

So there was this guy driving down the road
and he saw a bar, so he stopped for a drink.
He got his drink and he was sitting there and
he saw another guy across the room and he
had a dog with him. So the guy is admiring
the other guy’s dog and the other guy notices
and so he says, “Go on—call him on over.”
So the guy calls the dog over and the dog
bites him. And so he looks at the other guy
and the other guy says, “He’s not my dog.”

Scott Silsbe was born in Detroit and grew up down the river from there. He now lives in Pittsburgh. His poems have appeared in numerous periodicals and have been collected in the three books: Unattended Fire (2012), The River Underneath the City (2013), and Muskrat Friday Dinner (2017).  He is also an assistant editor at Low Ghost Press.

1 comment:

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the sun has scorched your edges from inside in that fire you are the word beautiful once green new life yellows reds and soon browns you wav...