Friday, January 11, 2019

The Elitist Shackles of Academic Poetry By Heath Brougher

The ear hears
the empty parts
of clacking wheels
as a horse
takes off from the runway
like a runaway Unicorn, though,
what about symbolism?
It’s not existing here. What gives?

The moon is glass
just maybe once you stop
pulling that eye-string
dangling from your carved-out
eyesockets will turn everything
the shade of melted vinyl.

Heath Brougher is the co-poetry editor of Into the Void Magazine, winner of the 2017 and 2018 Saboteur Award for Best Magazine. He is a multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Award Nominee. He published two chapbooks in 2017 and two full lengths in 2018. His most recent book is The Ethnophere's Duality (Cyberwit.Net 2018) and he has two full-length collections forthcoming in 2019.


  1. Thank you very much. I feel like a total jerk not noticing this until now. I'm so damn busy that I'm honestly contemplating pulling a "Walden" on everyone and vanishing into the woods where I would once again have that precious thing...TIME!! Ha.

  2. Yet again a poetic slap to your intended 'subject(s)'...😜 'The moon is glass..' Brilliant!


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