Monday, January 14, 2019

This Can Be Broken by Jon Bennett

“I slummed it
most of my life,” I said
and reflected on
the SRO rooms
the leaky trailer
revelry in always having
because I needed
so little
Enough for lamb chops
and beer and
pain pills
(always plenty of pain)
and the shitty coke
Pedro sold that made
our hearts ache
In the quiet moments
low wage jobs
and lunatic women
there was more than enough
art as well
it would come
But now I
am a rich man
with a nice car
and sober as
the days which have become
so long
More than enough
of everything these days
but not so much

Jon Bennett writes and plays music in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood.  You can find more of his work on Pandora and Spotify or by connecting with him on Facebook at

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