Thursday, January 17, 2019

Wearing Wounds Well. by Scott Thomas Outlar

I prefer a shirt
that has been through
some wars
over some
sanitized, fresh-pressed, sell-out version
from a plastic package
bearing a sweat shop
corporate label –

The shirts I wear
wore out
all name brand tags
ages ago …
I’ve got the holes
around my neck
to prove the point –

I prefer a shirt
with some character …
a little hint of blood
a little sweaty sex
a little ash and mud
a little dust and grime
a little spill of wine
a little sentimental press against my flesh

Scott Thomas Outlar hosts the site where links to his published poetry, fiction, essays, interviews, reviews, live events, and books can be found. He has been a weekly contributor for the cultural newsletter Dissident Voice since 2014. His fifth collection of poetry, Abstract Visions of Light, was released in 2018 through Alien Buddha Press. 


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