Monday, February 4, 2019

Miss Detox 2009. By Kevin Ridgeway

my gay rehab roommates performed 
a three hour makeover, which transformed 
me into a real woman for that night’s 
Halloween Ball in the cafeteria.  
the night staff purchased us a shitload 
of candy corn and gave us two extra
hours up beyond our 9am curfew.  
tan pantyhose chafed my genitals 
as I draped a frock over my broad 
shoulders with a high peekaboo slit, 
raised on thrift store heels and topped 
by a dumpster dive wig of tangled 
blonde curls in the sacred falsified 
magic of Aqua Net.   my life became 
every girl’s Xanax withdrawal 
hallucination come true with a wave 
of my fairy godsponsor’s wand.  
my schizophrenic crackheaded 
gangbanger fellow patients had to 
stifle their hard-on’s for me when 
my faint stubble began to peer out 
from the Maybe it's Maybelline 
Ultimate Tones Foundation, and 
they remained puckered in shock 
by my deep voice as it left a crimson 
sucker-punch kiss on the insecure 
masculinity they jacked off and 
smoked rock cocaine to cope with.  
But my fairy godsponsor kept me 
humble and changed this cucumber
back into the unsexy pickle it will
always remain in the phantom kiss 
beyond one eternal, diseased midnight.

KEVIN RIDGEWAY lives and writes in Long Beach, CA. A Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, his work has appeared or is forthcoming in Slipstream, Chiron Review, Nerve Cowboy, San Pedro River Review, The Cape Rock, Spillway, Up the River, Suisun Valley Review, KYSO Flash, Home Planet News, Cultural Weekly, Big Hammer, Misfit Magazineand So it Goes: The Literary Journal of the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library. He is the author of six chapbooks of poetry. His latest book, A Ludicrous Split, a collaboration with fellow poet Gabriel Ricard, is now available from Alien Buddha Press.

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