Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Warm Whiskey on Cold Nights by David Boski

winter is coming
as it does
every year.

seasonal depression
waits quietly in
the shadows
making it hard
to get out of bed in
the mornings
even on the rare occasion
the sun breaks through
the clouds.

as I think of all the time
that has passed
feeling empty inside
with life’s results
thus far.

but Melvin needs
a walk.

get up
a cup of coffee
find happiness
in the moment.

warm whiskey
on cold nights
with him
by your side;
others have it

David Boski is a poet living in Toronto. His poems have most recently appeared in: Under The Bleachers, Down in the Dirt, Duane's Poetree, Horror Sleaze Trash, Rusty Truck, Winamop. He has a forthcoming chapbook being released by Analog Submission Press as well as Holy&Intoxicated Publications later this year. He enjoys whiskey, wine and beer, in no particular order.  

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