Monday, May 20, 2019

Pay to Play by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal

I started out to send a poetry
submission to a literary journal.
It was easy to get the poems
together. I entered my information
and my bio. Before I could send
the poems, a window popped up
saying the fee to submit my poems
was $26. I decided to keep 
my poems and my $26.
I found another literary journal
that did not charge a penny.
With my $26 I bought myself
two beers, a sandwich, and
a cheap poetry book. It was 
happy hour and I was able to 
get one more beer for the road.
I do not need to pay someone
to read my poems when someone
else would be glad to read them
free of charge, which is how
things ought to be.

Luis was born in Mexico, lives in California, and works in the mental health 
field in Los Angeles, CA. His poems have appeared in Ariel Chart, Beatnik Cowboy,
Dope Fiend Daily, Unlikely Stories, and Zygote In My Coffee.

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