Monday, June 17, 2019

Dive Bar Near the Campus by Dan Provost

Fifteen beers in
and you can finally
see the duck who
shot out the porch

Why bother with wet
brain imagination when
you have some campus
skank sitting right next
to you—rambling on
about society and the
new voices who are
emerging in the House
of Representatives?

Ah, fuck it!  You
told your wife three
hours ago, “I’m just going
out for one or two dear”.

The ultimate lie…

And that duck is
still roaming around
with a firearm holstered
to its wing…
The saddle tramp sitting
next to you has fled to
higher ground…

So, give me number sixteen
bartender…Then, I can pretend
I’m Jesus Christ.

For the rest of the day.

Dan Provost has been published throughout the small press for many years.  He is the author of nine books and lives in Berlin, New Hampshire with his wife Laura.

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