Thursday, June 13, 2019

Porch Poem by Cord Moreski

I don’t know about the meaning of life 
nor am I an expert on certainty 
but right now as I sit on my porch steps 
and stare at the moon clocking into 
another summer night in New Jersey 
a few things are for sure—this six pack 
of cold pale lager is the perfect remedy 
after working a ten-hour shift, and the
sausage sandwich my wife has cooked
with the only ingredients she could find
in our kitchen is made with pure love, 
and Chet Baker playing “Tenderly” 
on my portable radio is bringing me 
to tears as I smile then hum along 
to the rest beneath an audience of stars. 
Yes, it’s times like these I know 
I’m onto something. 

Cord Moreski is a writer from New Jersey. His work has been previously featured in Silver Birch Press, The Pangolin Review, Philosophical Idiot, The Rye Whiskey Review, In Between Hangovers, and several other publications. He is the author of the chapbook Shaking Hands with Time (Indigent Press, 2018) and is currently working on his first full length (2020). You can follow Cord here:

1 comment:

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