Wednesday, July 10, 2019

A Poet’s Breakfast by John Drudge

He came awake
In the cool morning mist
The sun gently breaking
On the coast
A few old crags
Strolled along the Boulevard
Toward the market
In the old section
He dressed quickly
And headed across Des Anglais
Walking urgently up the boardwalk
To the Hotel Beau Rivage
Where he ordered toast
And eggs, and a drink
He lit a cigarette
And blew a large azure cloud
Into the streaming sunlight
Expelling the burden
Of past deeds and future fears
He was glad to be back in France
He drank his Pastis and coughed
And then began to write

John works as a clinical social worker and is the president of a national disability management company. He holds degrees in Social Work, Psychology, and Rehabilitation Services and has studied philosophy extensively.  He is an avid traveler and a long-term student of the martial arts holding a 3rd degree black-belt in Kempo Karate. His diverse educational and experiential background gives him a broad base from which to approach many topics in his poetry. John currently lives with his wife and two children in Caledon, Ontario, Canada. 

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