Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Chocolate, Wine, and Poetry by John C. Mannone

A perfect blend,
a craving for sweet sex
and strong heart
that won’t break
as lines.

A swirl of intoxication
with plenty of phenylamine
—chemical of love—
dissolving in wine,
in poetry. 

Words like caramels
dipped in pleasure,
succulence unknown
until sipped, each 
drenched in kisses.
Each caress
of verse, a tease.

Blackberry and cherry
vanilla in French oak,
supple leather, with tobacco
and pepper, lace the palate.
Drink now. Only sweet

aftertaste of you

John C. Mannone has work forthcoming in Adanna Literary Journal, Anacua Literary Arts Journal, and Number One, and in Artemis, Poetry South, Human/Kind Journal, Red Coyote, Blue Fifth Review, New England Journal of Medicine, Baltimore Review, and others. He won a Jean Ritchie Fellowship in Appalachian literature (2017) and served as the celebrity judge for the National Federation of State Poetry Societies (2018). He’s a retired professor of physics living between Knoxville and Chattanooga, TN. http://jcmannone.wordpress.com

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