Monday, November 18, 2019

In the Backfield by John Greiner

In the backfield
he was the hero
of an obscene scene
that was always
a hit on Friday nights.
No one ever wanted
to say much about it
in this town
of sex fiends,
but that just made sense.
It was simply a matter
of running the right play.
This town was never
made for a national champion,
or the sensations
of a slick tongue
with its talk of the All-American
dream at its most pornographic
and enjoyable.
In the backfield
he knew how far off
the calendars would run
until the weekend's fanfare
dropped away.

John Greiner is a Pushcart Prize nominated writer living in Queens, NY. He was educated at the New School for Social Research.  Greiner's work has appeared in Sand, Empty Mirror, Sensitive Skin, Unarmed, Street Valueand numerous other magazines. His chapbooks, broadsides and collections of poetry and short stories includeTurnstile Burlesque (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2017), The Laundrymen(Wandering Head Press, 2016), Bodega Roses (Good Cop/Bad Cop Press, 2014),Modulation Age (Wandering Head Press, 2012), Shooting Side Glances(ISMs Press, 2011) and Relics From a Hell’s Kitchen Pawn Shop (Ronin Press, 2010). 

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