Thursday, December 5, 2019

I’m a Veteran Asshole. By Dan Provost

Most poets are assholes

Compete in a small
box of well-wishers
who complement each other
until their ass bleeds crimson red.

Of course, I am guilty of
the crime I whine about…

Played the jerk in a drunken rage.

While well-meaning host, whose
only crime was that I tried to
play the filthy Bukowski bit.

I’m sorry to all those I
pushed down, yelled at,
complained about and ignored.

Old age, piss too much in
the middle of the night.

Has led me to be a bit more reflective

But --I’m going down and I 
know it…

So, to all you young
pretentious, wannabe rebels
in bard territory…

Write the word to
the best of your ability.

Let it stand…read
and walk away with
hands in pockets

Adjust the ballcap, say
thank you and move 

Rebellion and hatred have
been played…

So much better than you and I 
can ever conceive.

Dan Provost has been published throughout the small press for many years.  He is the author of nine books and lives in Berlin, New Hampshire with his wife Laura


  1. No Cleanse or Colonic for the Overthinking Yet Moron-ish
    Or Title "#2" : Rectal Realists vs. Satanś MAGA Shmegma

    I might have you beat. Yup : Young Urban Professional,
    PROFESSIONAL professional asshole. Got the overpriced debt drenched liberal arts degrees Self-important over-thinker under-doer. But I kind of know where I stand and have a little sense of humor about it.
    As(s) in :
    At least weŕe not, I surmise, these MAGA doucebags. Degenerate cheat cheap meat greased, Vlad vetted Ponzi plunder/funded sanction-stated dick / tator-favored Deutsch-Bag "ünorthodox" ¨bank sponsor/vendor (cough, launder.)
    We may be the wondrous digestive tract (Soon to streak their mark down the annals of immunology - the disease-incinerating compounds of oneś own asshole!) Where was I? Oh, that magical portal with an unfair foul reputation, whilst brewing floro fauna bio salvations! For the ebolas, coronas, & swine, except, for the Fox, Breitbart ingesting kind, Confed flag waving truck nutz swaying slime the useless toxic pieces of shit. No vaccine no anti-bodies, anti-almost everybody. Trust fund give-age plus good ól cracker privelage, Daddyś Caddy o booger-sugared beak "índex-to-nostril" -signal : Why? Be Cos-á-Ńostro! / Mafioso. Graduated criminal defense Magnum Boom Loud,Ay?? ¨Ëmbezzle": Another White larceny special, date rape aqcuit for this forebrain deficient shameless cheeze of shifty twitchy monkey dick.

    Hm. Kinda clever, kinda funny. Butt I still sound like an asshole. Obsessed with assholes. I guess naming the problem is the first step.

    Athol, MA (formerly Exeter)

    P.S. See if you can believably work the excellent word "shmegma" into your work, perhaps as a far more powerful, dare I say, pungent? replcement for terms like scum, rot or stomach-turning mold. Or mouth breathing meatheads who say "Hillary seem cranky and shady so I guess the orange tantruming tumor and his Nazi pals look good". Centuries of delicate, complex democra-what? But reverse racism! & I had to downgrade to a slightly smaller house and SUV last year!! Because .. (bends ear, apes right wing media machine) Because .. Mexicans!! And Obama!!
    Anyways, shmegma Its Yiddish for, well, if you don know I wont " the surprise.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


One-Hit Wonder By Ken Gierke

They may be one hell of a trio, but they only have one memorable tune, a one-hit wonder of angst and pain. Gallbladder, stoned out of its mi...