Saturday, December 28, 2019

one last thing by Scot Young

for rosanna

i know we kinda talked about it
but never really nailed it down
so put me in the field where
we watched the sun rise
& the lunar eclipse
where the goats and donkeys
run wild like kids and colts
put me in the field between
the two oaks so i can
hear the pond frogs at night
where i can see the eagles
in the tree tops and watch the heron
swoop in fishing for dinner
where pearl and thelma would sit
with us under the shade
where the deer would come in
at dusk and eat till dawn

put me in the field so I may
be the first to feel the morning breeze
and hear the song of chuck-wills-widow
and the first whippoorwill of spring

you hear that?
have them bring in a boulder
from our land
to mark the spot
between the two oaks
where i carved your name
deep inside
my heart

Scot Young lives with the woman of his dreams and herds goats on a ridge top  farm in the Missouri Ozarks and nothing else is as important.

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