Sunday, January 12, 2020

Jane – even after she went crazy ... By Bill Gainer

Hey kid, 
you never call 
you never write –
not even a postcard ... 
but yeah 
I still love you –
think about you 
now and then 
look for things 
you've left behind 
in those old haunts. 
A picture, a scent 
a note on the wall. 
I miss you. 
Here it is your birthday 
and I'm celebrating 
alone ... 
a glass of beer 
a shot of bourbon. 
It don't warm me 
the way you do. 
But hey baby 
nothing does. 
Until we're close again 
Happy Birthday –
miss you 

Bill Gainer is a storyteller, a humorist, an award winning poet, and a maker of mysterious things. He earned his BA from St. Mary’s College and his MPA from the University of San Francisco. He is the publisher of the PEN Award winning R. L. Crow Publications and is the ongoing host of Red Alice’s Poetry Emporium (Sacramento, CA). Gainer is internationally published and known across the country for giving legendary fun filled performances. His latest book is The Mysterious Book of old Man Poems. Visit him in his books, at his personal appearances, or at his website: 

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