Tuesday, January 14, 2020

You Oughta Be In Poetry. By Alyssa Trivett

Slap the tap dancin' hands
on the plastic toy keyboard.
Fire neuron lines 
standing in line
at the self checkout while someone buying a box of beer and cat kibble
can't seem to 
scan the barcode properly.
Pen about it to mope.
I purchased pens 
on Amazon,
they were cheaper than 
the $6.35 submission fee coulda used to
fill my tank up. Instead, I
slashed my own tires,
only in stanzas,
to have enough late night
comedy routine material to
make up another poem.
It's mostly a blessing, 
somewhat a curse,
in the way the 
3 AM hours seem to linger on
with words.
While you're swabbing the
bathroom floor and the poems build up...
to quote
The Lawrence Arms:
Fire away.

Alyssa Trivett is a wandering soul from the Midwest. When not working two jobs, she chirps down coffee while scrawling lines. Her work has appeared in many places, but most recently at Ex Ex Lit, and Duane's PoeTree site.

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