Sunday, March 1, 2020

A Jew in Texas. By Mike Zone

wandering dirty sixth street 
crossing in
 and out of bars wondering 
if I could do the random carnal thing 
while she slept
 pounding drinks
 infuriated by exhaustion, depression 
her medication, 
always waiting
 just my fate isn’t it?
 the good guy always destined to wait but oh, oh if he embarks on sin 
let him suffer whether he does or not 
the full brunt of whatever 
and whoever 
has come before
masked blue velvet eyes and platinum hair
looking for fight instead 
too in love to fuck
a random stranger
fight instead
like the younger days
 despite the dislocated shoulder
back pain 
remember the time you  broke the rich boy’s legs for money?
how that was the best burger you ever ate in a motel room after spending about three months living out of a honda civic?
Give me some of the cartel cocaine on the street
 how is this “dirty”?
 police have it closed off
 get you cab right outside the barricades across from a Starbucks
Apparently, no one rides horses down the street
in Austin 
but my Sri Lankan cab driver is obsessed
 with an Irish racecar driver 
“The gentlemen racer”
 telling me 
where to dine, drink and dance
 with my girl 
when she wakes up
 if she ever wakes up…
Did I wander into an Irish pub in Texas intermingling flirtatiously with a Mexican waitress drinking a locally brewed IPA bonding over water never drank but dutifully ordered by families drunk and loading babies into car seats?
Yes, I did…
Instead of blindly stumbling into an oil field 
not unlike one in my dreams 
where two transsexual women took an effeminate rich boy
 fucking him from both ends
 as the field burst into flames
 one having a portrait of the other between her breasts
 real raven haired pulp femme fatale cutie type 
if you’re into that kind of thing
 of which you
 I or maybe all of us may be
Suffocating pores
“at least there is tacos and beer” 
the bald Englishmen of a sexually questionable nature 
as three artificial menopausal barbies
 walked past
 needing to be waterboarded
my ride home
the Russian orphan
 with a kid on the way
 bonding over slyly veiled drug trade 
talked to me of bats 
the  sunset
 then sighed as we drove away 
from the lawfully erected border
“They block off the street
 to keep the civilized tigers 
from eating the rest.”

Mike Zone is the author of A Farewell to Big Ideas, Void Beneath the Skin, Better than the Movie: 4 Screenplays and Fellow Passengers: Public Transit Poetry, Meditations and Musings. A contributing poet to Mad Swirl and contributing writer to the graphic novel series American Anti-hero by Alien Buddha Press. His poetry and stories have appeared in: Horror Sleaze Trash, The Daily Dope Fiend, Outlaw Poetry, The Rye Whiskey Review, Synchronized Chaos and Triadæ Magazine.

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