Saturday, March 7, 2020

when i write. By Stephen House

i need to establish some kind of routine 
when i write 
and i’m writing again now 
at long last 

when i’m locked into a ridiculous drinking bender 
(like the Paris thing) 
i don’t write 
not properly 

i slide around in utter chaos
recording flashes of the bender 
in shaky stream of consciousness note form 
one moment 
and wallow in devastating mind blanks 
and sleazy drunken sex hookups 
next moment 

real work occurs in a kind of way that is sober and steady 
though still unmeasured and unplanned 
it has the comforting foundation of safe and calm 

drinking writing never comes under the title 
of writing properly

though i got that bizarre piece
(about my appalling behavior in Paris) 
down on paper 
major drinking bender and all
so who the fuck knows

Stephen House is an award winning playwright, poet, actor. He’s won two Awgie Awards (Australian Writer’s Guild), Adelaide Fringe Award, First Prize Rhonda Jancovich Poetry Award,  Goolwa Poetry Cup, First Prize SA Writers Feast Prize & Second Prize Poetry at Sawmillers. He’s been shortlisted for Lane Cove Literary Award, Overland’s Fair Australia Fiction Prize, Patrick White Playwright and Queensland Premier Drama Awards, many poetry Awards, Di Cranston Script Award, and Greenroom best actor Award. He’s received Australia Council literature residencies to Ireland and Canada, and an Asia-link to India.  His poetry chapbook “real and unreal” was published by ICOE Press.

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