Thursday, June 4, 2020

escape the looney bin. By Jck Hnry

he pulls his catheter out
& runs free in the streets,
one last time, before he tires
& settles down in the middle
of a crosswalk on a busy street -

traffic stops, voices shout, fists wave
in the stifling heat;
no one knows what to do
when a crazy half-dressed man
blocks the flow of traffic -

he laughs as caregivers call out
to him, plead with him to
just come back to safety’

some cars creep by, horns scream,
but nothing would pull his smile,
nothing could quell the roar in
his skull, all the words he wanted
to say, but nothing ever came out
clear enough to be understood –

he just sits there until the Peoria PD
calls me, says, ‘your father is blocking
traffic,’ and i think, ‘good’

sometimes stopping traffic is the
only way the crazy can be understood
& in that moment
we harmonize with madness for
just a little while -

jck hnry is a writer/publisher/editor, based in southeastern california.  recent publications include:  Deuce Coupe, Rye Whiskey Review, Razur Cuts, Cajun Mutt, Dissident Voices, Horror Sleaze Trash, Bold Monkey, Red Fez, dope fiend daily and a bunch of other noble zines and journals.  Books include:  “With the Patience of Monuments (neoPoesis) ,” “Crunked, (Epic Rites)” and the upcoming "Driving w/Crazy (Punk Hostage Press, 2020).”  hnry is also editor and publisher of Heroin Love Songs and 1870. for more go to

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