Wednesday, July 1, 2020

An Old Fashioned Contemplation by Anthony Dirk Ray

I prefer my whiskey neat
or with a tiny splash of water
but tonight
I made the wife and myself
an old fashioned each
I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it
despite not usually taking whiskey on the rocks

as I sat on the back patio
sipping my drink and toasting a stick
a thunderstorm rolled in
I realized just how good I felt in that moment
numerous lightning bolts flashed in the distance
boisterous bangs of
resounding raucous thunder followed

bringing to mind memories of my past
from drug induced years
to the present day
where drams and drams of whiskey are drained

somehow I always seem
to feel the most alive
when I am killing myself

Anthony Dirk Ray resides, works, and writes in the sweltering southern portion of the United States near the Gulf of Mexico.  After years of writing off and on, merely for sanity, he is now sharing some lines. His work can be seen on multiple sites online and in print. Some of which are Mad Swirl, Unlikely Stories, The Beatnik Cowboy, The Rye Whiskey Review, Three Line Poetry, and Horror Sleaze Trash.  His site, Gloomy Forebodings...poems, stories, and mediocre musings, can be found online at

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