Saturday, July 11, 2020

hymn to the lone ranger theme by Jason Baldinger

in roswell new mexico
birds have long tail feathers
streetlights, mailboxes
dress as famous aliens
we only exist on tv

after lunch, my co-pilot
feels that kick inside
whatever road food
drenched in grease
has lost the fight
to remain digested

I get an elbow
next available
clean restroom
double quick

mall ahead
grab a parking spot
my co-pilot
flies like those birds
with the long tail feathers
out the passenger seat
then duck walks
with velocity

he breaks the door
a hobby horses
the kind kids drop
a quarter to ride
plays the lone ranger theme
soundtrack to gastronomic distress
I wait, giggle at the struggle

I don’t wear a watch
haven’t since working
overnight shifts where minutes
move like wind through grasslands

I don’t wear a watch
but he’s gone for time
more than a while
I chill with silver
watch the beginning
and end of commerce

my co-pilot returns
less urgent
normal gait
I drop a quarter
in the horse
lone ranger theme again
I laugh
he passes
fuck you dude
don’t tell anyone about this

Jason Baldinger is a poet from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

 A former Writer in Residence at Osage Arts Community, he is co-founder of The Bridge Series.

 He has multiple books available including and Everyone’s Alone Tonight with James Benger (Kung Fu Treachery Press) 

the chapbook Blind Into Leaving (Analog Submission Press) as well as the forthcoming Afterlife is a Hangover (Stubborn Mule Press). His work has been published widely in print journals and online. You can listen to him read his work on Bandcamp and on lps by the bands Theremonster and The Gotobeds.

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