Friday, October 16, 2020

A Memo From An Exploitive Asshole

Wow it sucks to be rejected big shocker isn’t it? 

Oh and I’m writing this poem about it because I’m original. 

What were you expecting my mascara running down my face or something? 

Unlike all of that Hollywood bullshit I’m not falling apart right now.

I’ve been kicked down for most of my life and I’ll always get back up.

So you're not going to be the first or the last one who “breaks” my heart.

To whoever reads this never let anyone or anything kill what you are.

Because you're the only thing that can stop yourself.

PS: If you’re reading this John, make sure you get your ass to work on that damn book.

Scott Simmons is the editor in chief of  The Dope Fiend Daily and his poetry has appeared at the Anti-herion chic, Medusa's kitchen, Duane's Poetry, Horror Sleaze Trash, Under The Bleachers, The Black Shamrock Magazine, and The Abyss.

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