Tuesday, November 10, 2020

LIQUID LOVE by Patti Cassidy

Vodka, Gin and Bourbon staggered into a bar,

Looking for love on a Saturday night,

Looking for love on a Saturday night.

“I want a White Russian,” the vodka said

“That’s strong and icy and made with thick cream

“Spare no expense, it’s my night on the town,

“Spare no expense, it’s my dream.”

Gin leaned on the bar and scanned the dark booths-

“I crave a Pink Lady,” he whispered,

“The pinker the better- but don’t make it red

“Just make her blush as you shake her.”

But Whiskey stayed quiet while he looked around

“I want an Old Fashioned,” he said.

“To warm me up quickly and sing me to sleep,

“As I wander upstairs to my bed.”

Then they all stood up straight and took notice 

When a sultry silk Sake strolled in.

She leaned over the bar and whispered out loud

“Heat me up, barkeep, I’m in.”

 Patti Cassidy's been on the poetry beat for most of her life, but she's best known for her plays- many of them set in bars. Find her in Boston... or Paris. Or wherever fine spirits are sold...

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