Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Startin’ something By Alex Z. Salinas

Dear Michael Jackson
I too am always startin’ something
Billie Jean indeed was my lover
& of her I cast a queen
Jackin’ around &
Around up we
Go go gadget black white 
Read all over like dead
Texts jammed in dunce domes 
Well past midnight’s flight 
A sturdy straitjacket 
Good straight teeth
Good clean fairies
Good clean sheets
Straight flush down the 
John plunges my manners 
Ensconced in scum-
Soaked sewers’ stale
Air cracked concrete debonair
Dreams where Uncle Bob’s
Kool cigarettes smolder in
Manilla Folgers in your
King Tut banana nut cupola
Puddin’ pop powderpuff fluff
Tough luck Joey Buck
You’ll never lock level eyes with
Troy Aikman
Man, your hands
Slender like Billie Jean’s
Waist turned sideways
& from my peculiar slant
MJ lookin’ tempted to 
Bend down grab your

He don’t like cankles

The difference between this
MJ & the other dark god is
Inches & a carroty orb

Me, I’m exiled on an isle of words

Dear me:
Why you always gotta be startin’ something?

Alex Z. Salinas lives in San Antonio, Texas. He is the author of two full-length poetry collections, WARBLES and DREAMT, or The Lingering Phantoms of Equinox, both from Hekate Publishing. His poems, short fiction and op-eds have appeared in various print and electronic publications. He holds an M.A. in English Literature and Language from St. Mary’s University.

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