Sunday, January 10, 2021

Make Me Feel Something by Lisa Reynolds

I tell him I want more 

not too much

just enough to make me feel something

like this crazy world we’re living in is worth the effort

you know – 

and he nods like he understands

but I don’t think he does

cuz his hand shakes when he pours

just pours -

mouth closed with a tight knit smile that says

this will make you feel something even if I don’t.

Lisa Reynolds is a writer of poetry and short stories, known for her reflective writing style. She is published in numerous online and print publications. She lives in a small community east of Toronto, Ontario.


  1. Love the poem Lisa. Quite cryptic - easy to identify with this poet in a world of relationships that don’t quite connect together, as we stumble along trying to anticipate each other’s emotions. Judy

    1. Thanks so much, Judy. I appreciate you reading my poem and commenting.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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