Thursday, January 21, 2021

Too Late For Redemption by Dennis Moriarty

I am somewhat distant high on a mountain
Clean lines of freshly fallen snow.
I am staring
Into the white eye of a blizzard shuffling
Metaphors like a deck of cards
Looking for the one that best describes
How I feel.

I am the eagle that is soaring above stoned
On adrenaline
And the rush of the wind,
My arms are the wings that are surfing
The sky
Searching the horizons for what lies

I am a wild horse caught in the storm tripping
Over my hooves
In thunderous pursuit of the wide open spaces
In this land of the free.
I am descending the mountain nostrils a-flare,

My ice hooves
Are melting my flanks are on fire and down
In the valley
I am all snorted out, shaken awake by the tone
Of your voice.
Soft words and deep understanding all delivered
In the dialect of pity.
You tell me it’s never to early for a man sin
But it’s always too late
For a man to be out there seeking redemption.

Dennis Moriarty was born in London, England and now lives in Wales. Married with five grown up offspring Dennis likes walking the dog in the mountains, reading and writing.
In 2017 he won the Blackwater poetry competition and went to county Cork in Ireland to read his work at the international poetry festival. Dennis has had poems featured in many publications including Blue nib, Our poetry archive, Setu bilingual, The passage between and others.

1 comment:

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